Google's purchase of mobile-phone advertising giant AdMob showed that they're willing to place a big bet on a major source for future advertising—mobile technology.
Purchasing the mobile advertising platform for $750 million in stock seemed like a risky move by some. But Google defended the move.
“We've written in the past about how mobile phones are becoming an increasingly indispensable part of our daily lives,” Google posted on a November 9 blog, “and we continue to see how great devices with full Internet browsers and vibrant app marketplaces are driving an explosion of usage.”
Google went on to list some interesting statistics: iPhone and Android devices are the most common means of browsing the Internet, while one quarter of these users spend around 90 minutes online per day.
Google's choice to get into the mobile advertising industry while it is “still in its early stages,” indicates how mobile technology is proliferating online culture and becoming, or will become if it hasn't already, a major area of focus for Internet businesses. As the ability to access the Internet through mobile technology evolves, marketing and consumer purchasing will likely follow in its path. Businesses that take time to establish an online presence now may reap large benefits as the technology becomes a standard platform in the not-too-distant future.